The Annual General Meeting of the Northamptonshire & Rutland Centre of the
Caravan and Motorhome Club will be held at 5:00pm on Saturday 26 th October
2024 at Barnwell Village Hall, Barnwell, Nr Ondle, PETERBOROUGH PE8 5QD
As required under Rule© of the Rules Governing |Centres, Nominations for
Executive Office or Committee, signed by the Nominee, must be received in writing
by the Honorary Secretary not later than 14 days prior to the meeting (12 th October
2024). Formal notice of motion, duly signed by the proposer and seconder, must be
received in writing by the Honorary Secretary not later than 35 days prior to the
meeting to comply with Rules Governing Centres, Rule 6(d).
Only FULL, JOINT or FAMILY members, who have registered their Centre
Registration Card with the Honorary Secretary of the Northamptonshire & Rutland
Centre not less than 55 days prior to the meeting, are entitled to vote. The Club
constitution does not forbid the admission of spouses and other persons of
member’s families. Ballot papers will be issued at the meeting on production of your
Full, Joint or Family Membership Card.
1. Red the notice convening the meeting
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
4. Matters arising
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Honorary Treasurer’s Report
7. Auditor’s Report
8. Elections
a) Chairman d) Hon. Secretary
b) Vice Chairman e) Hon. Rally Secretary
c) Hon. Treasurer f) Committee
9. Notified Motions
10. Any Other Business